318Invitation For Bid

Invitation For Bid

01 Apr, 2020

The Government of the Independent State of Samoa

Land Transport Authority

PO Box 1607




Works Tender No: LTA-GCF-VCP/001/2020 & LTA-GCF-VCP/002/2020

GCF-VCP OUTPUT 3 – Vaisigano drainage projects – Convent Street & Mulivai and Savalalo road Drainage upgrades, Apia 

National Competitive Bidding (NCB)

Invitation for Bids

Date: 27 March 2020


The Government of the Independent State of Samoa has received funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) towards the Vaisigano River Catchment Project. Under Output 3 of this Project, there is an allocation for the upgrading of the drainage system in the Apia Urban Area (AUA).


The Land Transport Authority (“LTA”) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Vaisigano Drainage Projects – Beach Road Upgrades, Apia. Bids are welcomed from Local based bidders only.


The drainage upgrade works will be located at:


Package 1

  • Convent Street and Vaea Street Intersection to the Mulivai Bridge
  • Outside of the Mulivai Catholic Cathedral

Package 2

  • Savalalo Road and Vaea Street Intersection to St. Marys Primary School


Bidders may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the bidding documents, from the offices of LTA at:

The Chief Executive Officer

Land Transport Authority

Private Bag

Vaitele, Apia



Attention: Mr. Maverick Wetzell

Telephone: (685) 26740 ext 139, Email: maverick@lta.gov.ws

Eligible bidders must be currently registered with LTA in Category A for Upolu Capital Works for Financial Year 2019/2020.

A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a written application to the above office, and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of SAT$300 for each Package. The Authority kindly advises all interested bidders to provide a flash drive when uplifting bidding documents.

Please contact Mr. Maverick Wetzell, Telephone: (685) 26740 ext. 139; Email: maverick@lta.gov.ws, in regards to obtaining bidding documents.

All bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration as specified in the bidding documents, ITB 19.1.

All above documentation must be delivered to:

The Secretary

Tenders Board

Level 4, Central Bank Building


At or before 11am Tuesday 12th May 2020

Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of any bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.



Galumalemana Taatialeoitiiti Tutuvanu-Schwalger