Parking Meters

The Authority successfully implemented the first Parking Meter project in Apia; which installed eight parking meter units. The new units were supplied and installed by Global Integrated Systems Co. Ltd in New Zealand. The new units are located along Beach Road; from ANZ Bank to SNPF Plaza. They were officially open for use on the… Read More

Leone Bridge

The construction of the Leone Bridge is a proposed ERAP project which was funded by the World Bank and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The flooding caused by Cyclone Evan in 2012 destroyed the old bridge and led to issuance of road closure. The new construction also incorporated enhancements to the new bridge… Read More

Samusu Box Culvert

The primary objective was to construct a concrete box culvert to accommodate for the stream at Samusu. This culvert is to enhance the climate resilience within the Samusu community by reducing flooding and environmental impacts brought about by changes in weather patterns causing heavy flooding. This project is under the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience… Read More